1. How to be a Christ-following man
Thankfully, I grew up in a Christian home, with parents that brought us to church. For my dad, he knew and recognized that he was not perfect, and he never tried to act like it. Through being sick, he taught me that my relationship with God, is not about when everything is going really well, but that there may be times when things are really bad. To always depend on God, but also know that I would have to do my part, and know that I couldn't be lazy.
2. How to be a good husband
One thing I know for sure, is that my dad loved my mom. I always remember the story of when he first saw my mom and how he knew right away that he wanted to marry her. Even in his last few years, and even though his sickness overtook him, and not being able to be a functioning part of a family, he would always tell me that he loved my mom more than life itself.
3. How to be a good father
My dad was a great father and did the best that he could while being sick. He always reminded me that he was not my best friend and that he wasn't going to try to be. He believed that in order for me to become the best man I could be, that I was going to have to learn some hard truths and that I wasn't always going to like him for it, but down the road as I got older, I would realize that it was for my good.

When I think of my dad, I think of someone who worked hard, even when he was his most sick. He was always working outside, making sure our house looked nice and taking pride in the work that he did. He also taught me to work hard at my job. My dad loved teaching math and was so good at it, (weird, because I didn't get that gene). Even with that love, he was never satisfied, he was always seeking to learn and help others. He was so passionate about teaching his students and helping them become better students and people.
5. How to live life to its fullest
For the those that knew my dad, they know that he was a passionate. (When you are Italian, you can't help it, we are lively people, we like to talk with our hands and we are also loud, which he could be very loud if he wanted to be). He would always talk to me about not being scared to live, even with him being sick, he would remind me that I couldn't let it get in the way of living my life. He was constantly reminding that God gave me talents and gifts for a reason, to not be afraid, and to help others in using them.
Finally, here are a few pictures of my dad. Notice the buzz cut he has. Even though I did not have it in this picture, he and I buzzed our heads growing up all the time. My mom didn't like it, but that was okay, I thought it was cool being like my dad.
Thanks for reading and God Bless,
Patrick Mastrianni
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