Monday, March 17, 2014

Middle School Years

My dad was a teacher for about 12 years and we were at the same school once I got to middle school.   He was a math and science teacher, and I don't think I know anyone that loved math more than he did.  He could do math problems all day and I am grateful, that even with all the health issues he had, that in his last few years he still loved math and never lost the ability to do it. It is amazing the gift that God gave him to do it.  In middle school, I played basketball and although my dad did not coach me, he was always at my games supporting me (I can still hear him now, he had a very distinct voice) even if he was not feeling well.  (If you are not a parent yet, be thankful for your parents being there to support you in what you enjoyed doing).  In middle school is when I started to understand better what my dad's health was like.  He never wanted him being sick to affect us and for us to worry about him. (I think I heard him say "I'm okay" more times than I can remember).  God gave him a lot of strength to go through what he did, and as I continue this blog, what he went through in my time in high school and college, will more evidence of that.

Thanks for reading and God bless,

Patrick Mastrianni